4 Mesin Mesin Penutup Lampu Botol

4 Mesin Mesin Penutup Lampu Botol, Mesin Ngisi Cairan Lan Mesin

Product Product Detailed Product Product: Syrup Fancing And Capping Machine Driven Type: Electric Voltage: 220V Bobot: 1200kg After-Sales Service Kasedhiya: Engineers Kasedhiya Kanggo Layanan Mesin Ukuran Label Luar Negara: L: 20-300mm, H: 15-180mm Sumber Daya: 1 Ph. AC220V, 50 / 60Hz Cahya Dhuwur: mesin bungkus kanggo botol, mesin bungkus botol NP-YG4 Otomatis Botol Syrup Isi lan Mesin Capping Kanggo 50ml 100ml 300ml ...
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Mesin Botol Lampu Botol layar Werna Warna

Mesin Botol Lampu Botol layar Werna Kanggo Cim Semi - Produk Cairan

Tipe Keterangan Produk: Mesin Mesin Ngisi: Mesin, Pengisi Madu, lan Mesin Capping Gred otomatis: Ukuran otomatis (L * W * H): 2500x1500x1800mm Basa: Panel Operasi Inggris / Cina: Layar Tutul Sentul Lampu Dhuwur: mesin bungkus kanggo botol, botol mesin capping Mesin Botol Gelas Madu, Ngisi Jarene Madu lan Mesin Penutup Mesin Cocog cocok kanggo ngisi lan capping produk semi-cairan tanpa utawa nganggo ...
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Mesin Tutup Madu Kanggo Botol

Mesin Basul Sirop / Madu Kanggo Botol, Mesin Penek Auto Otomatis sing Dhuwur

Product Product Detailed Product Product: Syrup Fancing And Capping Machine Filling volume: 100-1000ml Kapasitas: 10-40 Botol / min Sistem Kontrol: Bahan Mesin PLC: SS304 / 316 Basa: Layanan Pelayanan Inggris & Cina: Lifelong High Light: capping machine for botol, mesin capping bottling NP-YG4 Otomatis Botol Jus Susu Jupuk Mesin / Isi Isi Produk Cairan 1. Cocog kanggo macem-macem bentuk ...
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Mesin Botol Botol Peternak kanthi Tutup

Mesin Botol Botol Otomatis Kanthi Kanthi Botol Gorilla Chubby 30-50 botol / min

Product Product Detailed Product Product: Otomatis Botol Botol Mesin Botol Otomatis: 25-100mm Diameter Cap: 20-120mm Fungsi: Mesin Capping Mesin Daya otomatis: 1 Ph. AC220V, Kapabilitas 50 / 60Hz: 30-50 Botol / mins Bahan: Cahaya Baja Tinggi Terbatas: Mesin capping ngisi cair, mesin capping bottling Kanthi Mesin Capping Botol otomatis PET Kanggo Botol Gorilla Botol Eliquid Isi Penutupan Mesin iki cocog ...
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200ml Mesin Botol Botol Nanas 200ml

200ml Mesin Botol Anggur 200ml Kanthi Tampilan Layar Sentuh

Product Product Detailed Product Product: Botol Nanas Pengisi Botol lan Mesin Capping: Beverage, Food, Medical Packaging Material: Kaca, Plastik Power: 1,6 KW Sawise-dodol Layanan Diwenehi: Engineers Kasedhiya Kanggo Mesin Mesin Pengiriman Luar Biasa: 10-35 Botol / Min Capping Rate:> = 98% Cahya Dhuwur: Mesin Panutup Cairan, mesin capping kanggo botol botol anggur nanas otomatis lan mesin cml 200ml ...
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Mesin Botol Botol Baja Karat Digunakake Ing Kedokteran

Mesin Botol Botol Baja Karat Digunakake Ing Kedokteran / Makanan / Industri Kimia

Katrangan Product Detailed: Mesin Botol Botol voltase: 220V Dimensi (L * W * H): 2200 X 1300 X 1600mm Bobot: 450kg Layanan Sawise dodol Disedhiyakake: Engineers Cepet Kanggo Mesin Mesin Overlayas Capping Speed: 20-80 Botol / min Dhuwur Cahya: mesin capping ngisi cairan, mesin capping bottling NP-XG Kaca Botol Capping Mesin Mesin Mesin cap Screw otomatis Mesin iki cocog kanggo botol kaca tutup skru otomatis, plastik ...
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PLC Ngontrol Botol Botol PET lan Mesin Capping

PLC Ngontrol Botol Botol PET lan Mesin Capping Kanggo Tomat Paste / Sauce Panas

Product Detailed Product: Botol Mesin Penutup Botol: Panganan Mesin Botol Sauce Botol: Jenis Listrik Elektrik: 220V Daya: Dimensi 6.5KW (L * W * H): 7600 * 1500 * Bobot 1900mm: Sistem Kontrol 1500kg: Cahaya Dhuwur PLC : mesin capping kanggo botol, mesin capping bottling Otomatis Botol Panas Botol Lan Mesin Capping Kanthi Mesin Label Katrangan Produk 1. Barisan pangisi lan produksi iki cocog kanggo tempel tomat, ...
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50 Mesin Botol Saben Min Botol

50 Botol Mesin Mesin Penutup Botol Min Min Kanthi Line Produksi 220V 1.5kw

Product Product Detailed: Mesin Botol Botol otomatis Gred otomatis, voltase otomatis: 220V Daya: Bahan Pembungkusan 1.5KW: Ukuran Kayu (L * W * H): 2000 X 1500 X 1500mm Sawise dodolan Layanan Diwenehi: Engineers Ana Warehousey Layanan Jasa Luar Negara : Cahya Tinggi 1 Taun: mesin capping ngisi cairan, mesin capping botol 50 botol Botol Kanggo Min Min Berkualitas Botol Mesin Mesin Mesin Screw Pengenalan 1. Iki ...
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304 Plastik Botol Karat Plastik Karat Lan Mesin Penutup

304 Plastik Botol Karat Plastik Karat Lan Mesin Penutup 50ml - Pangisahan 1000ml

Katrangan Product Detailed: Mesin Botol Botol voltase: 220V Daya: Ukuran 5.0KW (L * W * H): Bobot 750kg: 2200 * 1500 * 1900mm Layanan Sawise Disedhiyakake: Engineers sing kasedhiya Kanggo Sistem Kontrol Mesin Overseas Mesin: Range Isi : Cahya Dhuwur 50-1000ml: mesin capping ngisi cairan, mesin capping bottling Otomatis Cucian Pariwara Dishwashing Cecep Gel Botol Isi lan Katrangan Produk Capping 1. Mesin kasebut minangka tujuan khusus kanggo tempel, saus, madu, pengisi jam lan ...
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Ngisi Botol Botol Otomatis lan Mesin Penapis Botol

Ngisi Botol Botol Otomatis Dhuwur lan Mesin Kaping Kanthi Muncul 4

Product Product Detailed Product Product: Medicine Foting Capping Machine Application: Beverage, Food, Medical Packaging Material: Kaca, Plastik Dimensi (L * W * H): L2000 * W1100 * H1650MM Isi Isi: 50-1000ml Speed Filling: 10-15 Botol / min Power Supply: 1 Ph. AC220V, 50 / 60Hz High Light: mesin capping ngisi cairan, mesin capping kanggo botol NP-YG4 Otomatis visi injeksi vokal otomatis ngisi bot mesin tanpa mesin + ngisi mesin capping + mesin label + botol ...
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Mesin Penutup Botol Botol Listrik Elektrik

Mesin Botol Botol Dipilih Listrik Kanggo Botol Plastik lan Kaca

Product Detailed Jeneng: Botol Mesin Tutup Botol: Kelas Otomatis Listrik: voltase Otomatis: Tegangan otomatis: 220V Daya: 1.5KW Bobot: 500kg Layanan Sawise Disedhiyakake: Engineers Kasedhiya Kanggo Mesin Mesin Overseas High Light: mesin capping ngisi cairan, mesin capping kanggo botol Mesin Gelas Botol Gelas Otomatis Kanthi Rega Pabrik Lan Mesin Sertifikat CE Pengantar: 1. Sistem kontrol PLC lan ndukung teknologi asing, lan digunakake digunakake kanggo nyekup otomatis kanggo botol plastik lan kaca. 2. Mesin iki nggunakake capping jinis skru, presisi dhuwur ...
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Mesin Kontrol Botol Botol Kaca PLC Kanthi 4 Nozzles

Mesin Kontrol Botol Botol Kaca PLC Kanthi 4 Nozzles 750ml - Isi Isi 1000ml

Product Product Detailed Product Product: Botol Mesin Penutup Botol Botol: Beverage, Food, Medical Packaging Type: Botol Pembungkusan Bahan: Kaca, Plastik Otomatis otomatis: Isi Isi otomatis: 50-1000ml High Light: Mesin capping ngisi cairan, mesin bungkus botol 750 -1000ml 4 Mesin Gelas Botol Botol Otomatis Botol Dianggo Mesin mesin penutup cair iki utamane digunakake kanggo sirup, madu, anggur, alkohol ...
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Mesin Penutup Crew Screw otomatis

Mesin Capping Screw otomatis, Mesin Capping Elektrik Kanthi Elektrik Cap

Product Detailed Product: Botol Mesin Penutup Botol: Kelas Otomatis Listrik: Jinis Pembungkusan Otomatis: Ukuran Botol (L * W * H): 2000 X 1300 X 1500mm Sawise dodolan Layanan Diwenehi: Engineers Ana Kanggo Mesin Mesin Luar Biasa: Inggris Dhuwur Cahya: mesin capping ngisi cairan, mesin capping bottling otomatis Mesin Capping Screw Mesin, Mesin Capping Elektrik Kanthi Mesin Elegator Cap Elektrik: Mesin iki cocog ...
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Mesin Kontrol Bot Cote Botol Kasedhiya

10-40 botol / min Botol Mesin Penutupan Botol Sistem Kontrol PLC Kasedhiya

Product Product Detailed: Botol Mesin Capping Botol: 220V Daya: 3.0 Ukuran KW (L * W * H): L6000 * W1500 * Bobot H1900mm: 1200kg Sawise dodolan Layanan Diwenehi: Engineers sing kasedhiya Kanggo Kapabilitas Mesin Overseas Mesin: 10-40 Botol / min Bekalan Daya: 1 AC AC220V, 50 / 60Hz Cahya Dhuwur: mesin capping ngisi cairan, mesin capping kanggo botol botol plastik plastik NP-YGX4 Otomotif Kita bisa ngatur mesin ...
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Mesin Kaping Kacepetan Dhuwur

Mesin Capping Kacepetan Dhuwur, Mesin Panutup Cecair 220V 1.6kw

Jinis Desain Produk Detail: Aplikasi Mesin Kapel: Minuman, Makanan, Tegangan Medis: 220V Daya: 1,6 KW Filing Filing: 4 Kacepetan Isi: 10-35 Botol / min Cahya Dhuwur: mesin bungkus kanggo botol, mesin capping botol kanthi kualitas Botol Otomatis Otomatis Kualitas , Jar Filling Capping Machines Machine Mesin khusus kanggo ngisi lan capping Isi; Iku cocog kanggo kabeh jinis botol ...
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